by AquaticSolutions | Oct 26, 2016 | Blog
Silt and debris building up in your pond and lake can be a real cause for concern. Not only can it create nasty odours and be displeasing aesthetically it can increase the flood risk and potentially dry out the water course. At Aquatic Solutions we offer many options...
by AquaticSolutions | Jun 19, 2015 | Blog
The sun is out, the summer months are here and plant life is blooming. Without aquatic plants our watercourses would be dull, but they do offer some advantages other than beauty – fish rely on aquatic plants for their food and habitat, they provide a safe cover for...
by AquaticSolutions | Mar 10, 2015 | Blog
Desilting, silt removal and dredging Desilting Silt collects on the bottoms of rivers, lakes and ponds, it is a fine sediment that is caused by the decay of organisms into the water. The build-up of silt will lead to a reduction in water depth, an increased...
by AquaticSolutions | Feb 17, 2015 | Blog
Pond weed can be good or bad. In small numbers they provide a good habitat for fish providing them with food and shelter for spawning and nesting. When the pond weed takes over it becomes a nuisance, especially in the warmer months when it grows excessively and spoils...
by AquaticSolutions | Sep 8, 2014 | Blog
Water lilies (Nymphaea) are probably the most desired aquatic plant – with their glossy green leaf pads and exotic looking flowers not only do they look great, they create welcome shade in summer months for fish and aquatic invertebrates, helping maintain a healthy...
by AquaticSolutions | Jul 14, 2014 | Blog
Wetlands and reed beds form an important element of our natural environment and they are so much more than just a means to capture and store storm water. Their importance as a habitat to support a wide range of wildlife, their use as a social amenity and their...